I just purchased the Vienna Special Edition. Yesterday everything seemed to be working fine. Here is my problem. Now, when I open up logic and try and select the Vienna Library as a plugin, the lovely beach ball comes up and I have to force quit because it says Logic is not responding.
I am using Logic 9.1.3 on a Macbook Pro 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB of ram. I have the library stored on an external hard drive.
Logic is Crashing
Hello Nicky,
Please make sure that you are using the latest eLCC and ALL the latest VSL software.
We have updated the copy protection, so all parts (protection software and the protected software) need to be updated! After this, please restart your computer, and everything should work just fine!
Hope that helps!
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Thanks for your reply Paul. I do I have the latest versions of those...hmmm. It did start to work again when I restarted the machine, but then it froze again as I was trying to load a second plugin of the the Vienna library. It just seems kind of buggy. Any other suggestions? Many thanks, Nicky
Hi Nick,
what are you loading? Which other programs are running?
Try to start with a few smaller patches or matrices, the factory PRESETS tend to use a lot of RAM and are basically "just" an overview of what´s available.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support