I am using my mod wheel to control articulations in VSL special edition, and I see in the tutorial I can control many other things using "key switching."
How do I do this from my keyboard controller? I can change to C2, for example, using my mouse in the VSL window, but if I hit C2 on my keyboard, nothing happens.
Sorry to sound so dumb, but there are no videos actually showing someone's hands on the keyboard as they play.
Newbie key switching question
Assuming you are using Vienna Instruments and you have a preset loaded that has multple cells, then the indicated keys on your keyboard will change the cells as shown, however, VSL use the standard middle C = C4 system, your keyboard may be using middle C = C3, in which case try pressing keys an octave lower, so to get a D2 key switch, you may have to press D1 on your keyboard.
different manufacturers take different octaves for middle c. It's 'standard for Roland' to take C4 and 'standard for Yamaha' to take C3. Sonar I think takes C5. ie., there is no real standard.