Hello Christian
@Another User said:
if you ask for *download all the instrument that you* have licensed - it is planned to provide a page on which all vsldownload-files are listed.
Look at the Service Center of NI, it knows what you have and not have download, the updates available ..... [:)]
[quote=cm]if you ask for *control that you have download all the authorization* i'm understanding you mean downloaded the licenses to a ViennaKey - this can be done by opening the eLicenser control center and see if you have all your licenses on your key(s)
I bought most of the download instrument ; so there is a lot of entry in the eLicenser [;)]
I am a bit confused about all the files i.e :
I have bought all the download instruments of the Brass and the Winds, can I remove SE PLUS Brass and Wind files ?