Formula wise. Did you suceed with the desired emotions? Umm...yeah.
I understand why you hesitate. I rarely experience a formula as a real emotion. Usually I´m also very very cautious with naming emotions in music. I rarely find them literally suitable. But I understand the business needs here. A lot of people honestly do think that formulas *are* emotions. And if some music is not fitting this formulas it´s considered unemotional, as much as I disagree with that. This is an attempt to show that I can serve formulas since I intend to make a living out of composing.
Still more reverb? huh.. I have to investigate.
I absolutely agree with Evans todays sound. After hearing Carters treatment I remembered that Evan was doing the same on his older demos and I listened to them again. But it´s certainly not what he´s doing now.
Thanks for your nice words and your comments,
- Mathis