talk of nothing but money and jobs. Give me business- men every time. They really are interested in music and art."
- Jean Sibelius, explaining why he rarely invited musicians to his home.
Fred Story
Hahhaa! Thats great! I knew Sibelius was one of my favourite composers for a reason. Thats brilliant! I can't STAND having musicians in my house. It's usually an absolute pain. A nightmare. I hadn't heard that one before. Excellent! And the other way round too!
I mean, have you ever been in a drummers house. I say house, fairly loosely. Ususally it's a flat, but mostly one room. It's like the place has imploded (not exploded) and everything's finished up in the centre of the room. You dare'nt touch anything, or sit down even. Not all drummers, but mostly was my experience. Litter and porn all over the bloody place. What IS it about drummers. Why can't they be tidy? Keyboard players, on the other hand, are extremely tidy and well-balanced, but they're still a pain if one has to talk to them for more than, say, 20 seconds. Guitarists don't read books. They read magazines. Knowledge of string gauges will get you into their good books. Be honest, I mean, BE honest. How many times has one wished for that thing they use in Men in Black. The thing that they flash in your eyes. [:'(] [:O]ops: [[[[;)]]]] [[[[;)]]]] [[[[;)]]]]
Mathis, I'll send you some truffles as soon as they're ready. They grow in my mother's garden. I love them, but I can't eat them, because I'm allergic.
What was I saying? [*-)]