Cubase 6 came in Friday and have been enjoying. However today, when I fired my slave compluter up, it does not see the VE Pro instances on the slave. Now before anyone ask... Yes it's all connected right! When using the same exact setup, load Nuendo 4 instead of Cubase 6, it sees everything the way it should. Close Nuendo, Open Cubase... nothing. Restart both computers... nothing. I've tried everything possible that I know. Nuendo consistently works perfectly with VE Pro and slave computer. Cubase 6 works great with VE Pro as long as I am not trying to connect to a slave computer. The only issue is connecting to the slave with Cubase 6.
Main DAW is on a Windows 7 machine. And I have a variety of slaves, running Vista, XP, and OSX Snow Leopard. It sees none of them.
I also realize Cubase 6 is brand new, and the bugs have not been worked out yet. Just looking for some type of help/suggestions. Thanks in advance for the time!
*EDIT - I am running Cubase in 32 bit mode... If that matters...