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  • why so many trombones in dimension brass?

    Forgive my ignorance, but I wonder why there are six trombones in dimension brass (a group of four, and two others along with the trombones and bass tuba)?

  •  Hi Sergino,

    the "Low Brass" section is really meant only for low brass performing. The range from C1 to C3 (moddle C = c4)

    Also the "Low Brass" are a kind of prebuilt instrumentation because the instruments are performing in octaves.

    Conclusio this instrument section is exclusively for brass bass performances.

    And a "regular" trombone section  does have also other functions in an orchestra.



  • Is the low brass section limited to octaves or can they be split into four independent parts like the other sections?  Also, are the two tenor bone players in the low section two of the same players as in the four bone?

    I have to agree, it seems kind of odd to split them up this way instead of just doing one section of three or four bones plus tuba.  Six horns would have been nice as well - were there space limitations?

  •  You can split all instruments, but the Low Brass are a special one, because of the octave recordings the bleeding of the lower (or higher instruments) is more audible than the other sections. It works absolutely well for building chords, I wouldn't recomment to use them as solo instruments.

    Six horns, well. If we wouldn't have recorded 8 horns in the past it would be an option - place is not the restriction.

    Our experience with 8 horn players has shown, that it's extremely difficult to coordinate so many horn players for all needed recording sessions. And no chance to use a substitue if one players is down with influenza.

    However, if you need a large unsisono horn section, epic horns is the best choice.

    But Dimension Horns can also offer additional nice autodivisi possibilities for very larger sections when performing polyphonic

    For example voice splittings with 2 players,

    first voice = player 1+2

    second voice = player 3+4

    third voice = player 1+3

    fourth voice = player 2+4

    and same is possible with 3 players per voice.

    Each voice gets its individual sound and so very large sections, up to 12 and more, are no problem anymore.



  •  If with dimension brass we have the chance of all this combinations and permutations, why epic horns is a better choice for a large ensemble?

  • 8 horns  performing unisono is a dedicated Epic Horn job.

    And finally combining Dimension Brass horns with Epic Horns offers the ultimate "Superhornensemble" [:P]



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    @herb said:

     You can split all instruments, but the Low Brass are a special one, because of the octave recordings the bleeding of the lower (or higher instruments) is more audible than the other sections. It works absolutely well for building chords, I wouldn't recomment to use them as solo instruments. if I wanted an ensemble sound without the octave doubling in the low voices and switched off the two high trombones of the bass ensemble (or made them play different notes) would that work at all (I mean a really deep dark bass line, not really an exposed solo passage like in a tuba concerto or so 😊 ) or would the bleeding be too dominant? Would there be a possibility of getting a demo with only the two lower instruments playing (just to get an idea of the sound)?

    Also, I noticed that some of the articulations of the other ensembles were not mentioned in the bass section (e.g. legato)... were these omitted in the bass group or is that just a typo?



  • I would too like to know about those low brass. Is it possible to use only Tuba for example (so without Bass trombone and those two higher trombones)? Or can i for example have one tuba and one bass trombone? (as a separate instruments and not octave doubling, etc.) And i also noticed that there was no legato mentioned for the low brass. Is it error or correct information? Thanks -Anssi