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  • Dimension Brass pricing?

    Is this correct?

    Regular price: $595
    Introductory price: $625

    Usually early adopters aren't given a higher price, at least not in such a blatant way...

  • Sorry, a typo.

    We'll correct it asap.

    thanks for reporting


  • Nice job VSL!  I'm a little surprised by this news but pleasantly.  As a side note, had I known this was imminent, I probably would have held off from buying BRASS II because this is exactly what I was looking for for the film I'm scoring.  Beautiful job.  LOVE LOVE LOVE the auto-divisi.  Regardless, I'm buying this puppy!

  • Hi Fiery Angel,

    thanks for the thumbs up. Don't worry about the Brass II investement. Brass II and Vienna Dimension Brass are a perfect combo.

    For dedicated solo lines of any brass instrument I recommend solo recorded instruments, further nearly all solo instruments of Brass II are not covered with the Dimension Brass. Finally the Epic horns in combination with the Dimension Brass horns are a killer combo!



  • So what's the corrected Intro price?

    Is there just an L1, or is there an L2?

  •  When was Dimension Brass announced?!? [:O] Had no idea. Looks good!


  • Wow, sounds impressing as usual, when you guys release new Instruments... :-) Again, another dimension of sound... but still I have a few questions...

    1.) this new concept combined with all those screams for divisi strings, hollywood-like string sound etc. let me assume that you are going to release similar settings for woodwinds and strings, am I right about this?

    2.) The package only make sense if you use VIPro, or will I have the possibility of loading each player of one group into a VI individually (then on the other hand, doing so would not make too much sense, would it?)?

    3.) The reverb in the video demo... is that VIPro's built-in reverb?

    4.) As the new ensembles do not include all articulations (e.g. glissandi), will it make sense to merge samples of both libraries within one player... (usually I considered one instance of a VI as one player of the orchestra... so I would have matrixes of all sorts of articulation in one instrument.... will I have to have a trumpet that only does falls e.g. when I decide to use the new collection for all linear stuff or would it make sense t combine those?)

    5.) Finally (and to me the most important issue): How will this setup integrate within MIR? For example, it seems to me that auto-divisi kind of contradicts the idea of MIR's concept of placing the instruments individually on stage, how is this going to be solved? Will there be some sorts of presents for each ensemble?

    I am really looking forward to any replies... especially the 5th question is kind of a deciding issue to me...



  • I could see this dimension concept working with WW's as well, although for a brass ensemble, the dimension-ensemble aspect is more important imo. I don't see this working with MIR, but integration with the upcoming MIR Pro is I'm sure all planned.

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    @herb said:

    Finally the Epic horns in combination with the Dimension Brass horns are a killer combo!

    Currently this Brass Library dounds really nice - The Concept looks great and seems to be a big step forward. However I am awaiting some more demos (especially of Herbs killer combo) *g*

  • Hmm! I have yet to hear some more to be convinced that this is a big step forward.

    So, is it correct that the instruments are recorded at the same time?

    So, that means they are close miked. You would then have some leaking in from the other 3 player when using a solo instrument.

    Maybe it proves to be "superior"

    For now, I would rather go with brass 1 at the curent discounted price.

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    Hmm Veetguitar

    @veetguitar said:

    So, that means they are close miked. You would then have some leaking in from the other 3 player when using a solo instrument.

    Hmm, this is especially an interresting question for the Bass Section where you might hear the different colour and the octaving pretty well - or am i wrong there?

  • Just got Dimension Brass today. Leaking is minimal in the Trumpet, Horn, and Trombone sections; but is significant in the Low Brass section. I'm new to the whole VSL ecosystem, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. But, from the looks of it, even when loading a single instrument patches, I'm hearing the bass trombone and upper octave elements in the tuba samples. The library looks promising in several ways, but doesn't offer the flexibility of polyphonic legato in LASS (not that it was necessarily going for that). I look forward to pushing it hard in the next couple weeks.

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    @Benny C said:

    Just got Dimension Brass today. Leaking is minimal in the Trumpet, Horn, and Trombone sections; but is significant in the Low Brass section. I'm new to the whole VSL ecosystem, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. But, from the looks of it, even when loading a single instrument patches, I'm hearing the bass trombone and upper octave elements in the tuba samples. The library looks promising in several ways, but doesn't offer the flexibility of polyphonic legato in LASS (not that it was necessarily going for that). I look forward to pushing it hard in the next couple weeks.

    Polyphonic legato is available with the VI Pro player, as well as many other features.
