Hi Andi,
You asked me which position the pitch slider is in on the Perform/Map Control section. In that section I do not see a Pitch Slider. Under "Perform Control" I do see a line for "Pitch" with a value on "None". I assume this means no controller is assigned to pitch. The only two performance categories that have controls assigned are Expression (CC11) and Volume (CC7). I didn't make any settings in this section for any of the instruments so these must be the default settings.
I don't send any Pitchwheel midi messages from Finale that I am aware of.
I'm runnning Finale on a PC and sending the Midi to the Mac where Vienna Ensemble is running. I use Channels to access the various instruments. I set CC1 as the Controller to change matrix cells, which is how I handle articulations.
Do you have any other ideas as to why the pitch suddenly changes. In a four hour composing session this usually happens once. I have the feeling it is something Finale is sending but I don't see what it could be.
Regards, Roger