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  • What? No VSL IPad app yet??

    Seems that an App for Ipad would be the deal !! One to program, key switches, and another (or another page of the same) with knobs and faders for automating other parameters of VI Pro.

    VSL is seems really strong on the software side, and should be able to do this in a very short time!! [I]

  • I think that the point is that there are so many ways to use VSL and change patches, that there is no "one size suits all". The only thing to do, I suppose, would be to make an app using the factory Presets. Having said that, I never use any of the factory Presets, so it would be useless to me. Mind you, I don't really have any use for an iPad anyway, as I'm using a Lemur to do exactly what you describe. [;)]


  • I use a separate midi keyboard and also a Novation Zero SL MKII. But I forsee lots of possibilities for a dedicated IPad app. There are some amazing controller apps coming at now!!

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    Got you covered, at least for Appassionata Strings:


  • *** WARNING - Controversial post ***

     Does anybody have an iPad because it was bought for a very useful specific purpose, or does an iPad owner keep looking for apps until one turns up that might justify owning an iPad?

     A bit like when I was at tech college many years ago, someone built a fancy and clever microprocessor based circuit to control an alarm, although impressive, I then showed him how I would do the same thing using 2 AND gates.

  • Jim,

    Your iPad app looks amazing. Well done. Apps like this would justify owning an iPad for me. I have an iPhone and apps like this are very handy!

  • I do that with Excell, works well and is easy to improve or just adjust (manipulate)


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    @andyjh said:

    *** WARNING - Controversial post ***

     Does anybody have an iPad because it was bought for a very useful specific purpose, or does an iPad owner keep looking for apps until one turns up that might justify owning an iPad?

    I bought an iPad to use for 2 months while I was recovering from some major spine surgery. (Ouch!!...but much better now)

    It was amazing and fulfilled all my needs at the time. Now that it's not quite so essential, I still use it for many tasks and think of it as a different device from my regular computer. Maybe that answers part of your question. 

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    @whinecellarstudio said:

    Got you covered, at least for Appassionata Strings:


    Jim, this looks great!

    Any plans to expand this app to include other VSL libraries...?

  • Just for interest:

    Spectrasonics announced a new iPad app which will control Omnisphere:

    (near the end of the page...)

    So, having an iPad will become ever more useful.

  •    So, exactly why would an iPad be useful but not, say, some random other tablet, my windows phone, etc? I also disagree with the idea that the app would need custom scripts, necessarily... One can imagine having any application on computer 1 (i.e. phone, tablet, whatnot), communicating with application on computer 2 over virtual midi. The application has configurable buttons, (e.g. 'rightclick to name button') and configurable output (e.g. 'rightclick to set output channel' &c). This would make it unnecessary - though one could easily add such - to have custom patches as your iPad or whatever will be just a fully customisable midi controller - basically one for which you need no stickers! It would, after all, be quite odd to have such an extremely adaptable piece of software as VI(P)/VE(P) and then suddenly be stuck with someone else's keyswitch schemes!

      Sorry - ending rant here. All in all, I also really want a touchscreen tablet computer, call me jealous!
