I am still trying to figure out the new Vienna ensemble Pro.
Set up: Mac Pro with Logic 9, 27' iMac as slave.
With the last version before this one of VE Pro I had sound, and everything seemed to work without a problem.
I updated yesterday to the latest versions of VI Pro and VE Pro.
I also updated eLC.
After the update: no sound from my masterkeyboard, no sound from the virtual keyboard in VE Pro (the keyboard does not seem to react, I cannot 'press' the keys with my mouse).
So somewhere something went wrong, something is different since the last version.
Here is the procedure I follow (and it worked with the older version of VE Pro):
I open VE Pro server on the iMac
I start Logic on the Mac Pro.
I create an audio instrument (output 1-2), choosing audio instruments->VSL->VEPro->stereo.
The server interface window opens.
I connect with the iMac. I see the connection is succesfull, because the iMac appears as available slave computer.
I click 'add' on the iMac server window, I name the instance, and an empty VEPro window appears.
I add an VI Pro instrument. (from the 'channel' drop down menu) and the instrument appears.
I load a saxophone from the library. (I can see the bar extending in the window, so it is really loading the samples).
I see nothing happening on my MOTU 24/08.
When I play my masterkeyboard I do not hear anything in Logic, no output.
Also the virtual keyboard in the VI instrument does not react to anything (there are white keys indicating the range, and coloured ones to switch with, so I can see the instrument is actually loaded. I cannot seem to be able to 'press' the keys with the mouse).
What do I do wrong?
When I put the audio engine to 'on' (it is off by default) nothing changes.
Midi is set to omni..
The preferences dialog box in the VE Pro window is not active. I cannot click it, so I cannot choose any preferences.
When I start the VI Pro stand alone, this does work (gives sound through the built-in speaker of the iMac.
I am convinced I do something wrong, or some setting is wrong but I cannot find it.
I am at a loss what to do now.
Please help....