I am working with a composer on a film and we are having issues recalling our cues and getting VEPro to reload correctly. I have read the manuals and watched the video on VEPro, but it just doesn't seem to make sense. the documentation goes on about how VEPRo can go from song to song and not have to reload. In our case, we want VEPro to load a completely different set of projects each cue, and it doesn't want to reload properly.
Here is how we currently save a project at the end of our cue being scored:
1) Save the instrument being used in the project: Kontakt multi in Project 1, Zebra Patch name in Project 2, Trillian patches in Project 3.
2) We save each project individually.
3) We save each meta frame (we have 2, a 64 bit frame, and a 32 bit frame).
4) We save our Logic session file.
Now, we would expect that when we start another cue in Logic, we opens our template Logic session, and in our template we have created template 32 bit and 64 bit metaframes, with our 3 starter projects in each metaframe, each loaded with multiple VI's that have been loaded with our basic starter patches.
We work on the cue, and go back to step 1, and go through to step 4 each time we complete our cue.
The issue is, when we reload an old cue, VEPro doesn't always load the right data. Looking over our saving process, what are we doing wrong, or is this just "one of the quirks of VEPro"?
Thanks for your time,
George Leger III