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    @William said:

    First of all he is in love with a beautiful young pianist whose father forbids their marriage.  Secondly he forms a group dedicated to young composers advancing music against the Phillistines (whatever those are).  Thirdly he was the first to notice Brahms and promote him. Fourth he went insane and started hearing a constant "A" pitch, causing him to collapse during conducting. And finally he tried to commit suicide before being thrown into an asylum.  

    What's so dramatic about that. Sounds like a normal, run-of-the -mill day.

  • 'Song of Love' I enjoyed thoroughly, if for no other reason because there was still some nobility in the actors back then, necessary to depict the romantic elite as accurately as possible in their stylized behaviour; it's a pity they have re-released obscure black-and-whites and not this film...

    There is another Bruckner moment to be included in what should be a boring film unless it includes a lot of his music (even then...), is when he greeted a woman at the door stark naked - he was taking a bath and was absent minded when he heard the knocking (Mahler recalls, Lebrecht relates)...

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    @Errikos said:

    he greeted a woman at the door stark naked - he was taking a bath and was absent minded when he heard the knocking (Mahler recalls, Lebrecht relates)...

    Don't you hate it when that happens.  It has certainly caused me a lot of embarrassment over the years[:$]  Especially since I wasn't even bathing.

  •  Bruckner was always trying to get a girlfriend but never did, apparently. 

    Now if he had written shorter symphonies he might have had some time to develop a strategy for getting dates.

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    @William said:

     Bruckner was always trying to get a girlfriend but never did, apparently. 

    And he finally got into some trouble over that. But so has the LIBERAL MP for Portsmouth. Tall, blonde girls from Russia and now has finally 'done a Bruckner' . Guffaw!

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    @Errikos said:

    he greeted a woman at the door stark naked - he was taking a bath and was absent minded when he heard the knocking (Mahler recalls, Lebrecht relates)...

    Don't you hate it when that happens.  It has certainly caused me a lot of embarrassment over the years  Especially since I wasn't even bathing.

    I believe that if one is writing at Bruckner's level and above, one should be allowed, even expected to prance around naked; I think Wagner might have endorsed that... Conversely, I also believe that if one is writing at You-Know-Who's level and below should even be deprived of speech! Would sure make one think twice about sharing one's twaddle with the rest of the world now wouldn't it?...

  • A particular idea for film I would enjoy would sort of revolve around the coming about of the third Reich and how that impacted much of the art community. You could have lot of perspectives from the virtuosic players in concentration camps, the dismals at the conservatories including if i'm not mistaken Schoenberg over "race" issues or in Schoenberg's instance his championing of Mahler and I suppose Strauss' relatively neither apposing or endorsing the actions taken. What material was banned and what was encouraged. And a remake of the Furtwängler Bruckner performances would be quite neat. In fact it would be interesting to know how many of the left over musicians felt as I can imagine many of them did not prescribe to the Nazi ideology and could care less whether a musician was jewish as long as he could play. I think I just like anything to do with WWII and WWII with musicians, well a new twist.

  • Dude you totally missed Messiaen writing and performing Quartet for the End of Time in a POW camp! That'd be the highlight for me

  • to be honest, I always thought Messian was quite the asshole composing such a piece when moral was so low. You'd think he would write something a little more upbeat with some hooks considering the people listening were soldiers with little knowledge of music. I can imagine most of the POW 's were like WTF is this shit. I mean if you were near death starving, would you rather hear some rather atonal piece where the process is really what makes it a work of art or something a little more melodic. You would think his goal would be to improve moral and not explore his artistry.

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    @BadOrange said:

    A particular idea for film I would enjoy would sort of revolve around the coming about of the third Reich and how that impacted much of the art community. You could have lot of perspectives from the virtuosic players in concentration camps, the dismals at the conservatories including if i'm not mistaken Schoenberg over "race" issues or in Schoenberg's instance his championing of Mahler and I suppose Strauss' relatively neither apposing or endorsing the actions taken. What material was banned and what was encouraged. And a remake of the Furtwängler Bruckner performances would be quite neat. In fact it would be interesting to know how many of the left over musicians felt as I can imagine many of them did not prescribe to the Nazi ideology and could care less whether a musician was jewish as long as he could play. I think I just like anything to do with WWII and WWII with musicians, well a new twist.

    Wasn't  The Pianist kind of sort of about that?  I didn't see the film but I think it's about the Polish pianist Szpilman and the turmoil he went through during World War II.  Again, I didn't see the film but I hear it's pretty good.

  • quite right but like most nazi movies, they only focus on the one side. It is often more interesting exploring the mind of the persecutor rather than the victim. I movie with a balance of both would be interesting.

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    @William said:

     Now if he had written shorter symphonies he might have had some time to develop a strategy for getting dates.


    Or a strategy of not answering the door stark naked.  I'm pretty sure chicks don't dig that.[;)]

  • According to record neither did the Bruckner chick, she ran away screaming! Perhaps Bruckner also had "happy" thoughts in the bathtub before he answered the door?.. Now, there's a movie! Lars von Trier where are you? Although Tony Palmer is also capable of this.

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    @Errikos said:

    According to record neither did the Bruckner chick, she ran away screaming! Perhaps Bruckner also had "happy" thoughts in the bathtub before he answered the door?.. Now, there's a movie! Lars von Trier where are you? Although Tony Palmer is also capable of this.


     [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D]

    LOL.  You're such a card Errik

  • You know, thinking of answering the door naked, I would very much enjoy a movie about the Boulanger sisters, especially Lily, arguably the most brilliant woman composer by very far! Tragically, she dies early, but then you have her sister who teaches so many known composers who could cameo, etc. It also takes place during very interesting and powerful times in French history, I think this is a great film that hasn't been made, and if a director/producer makes it as a result of this post, I expect my name in the opening credits, a very nice present (something with the letters BMW Z4 on it would be just what the doctor ordered / all right, the complete VSL product line installed on an omnipotent computer will help console me), and of course to assist with the closeups during the bath scenes.

  • why would a genius not be a goofball who shows their ass? Or a sex fiend? Or a murderer such as Gesualdo... Methinx you are unclear on the concept.... [;)]

    I think people who go to see movies want to watch a human in action at any rate. It isn't always so pretty.

  •  A film about Gesualdo could be great.   His music is incredible.  Also, quite the character...

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    @William said:

     A film about Gesualdo could be great.

    Oh yes. And Stradella would be another candidate

  •  Who is Stradella?

    Gesualdo I really like for his  extremely interesting and unusual harmonies that were far in advance of the usual choral writing in his time.   They sound weird  and haunting  even now, and so naturally that characteristic of his music combined with the fact of his being a murderer (of a romantic rival I believe?)  would make for a probably rather dramatic film.  however, I am not sure much is known about his bio. Of course that never stopped film biographers, did it?  For example the recent hot and sexy biopic (all invented) about Jane Austen. 

  • Alessandro Stradella was a composer of the 17th century and quite known at his time. He wrote several operas as well as instrumental music. Because of an affair with a married woman he had to flee from Venice and only narrowly escaped an assassination organized by the womens husband (alledgedly the killers forgave him when they heard his music). Unfortunately, the next woman he chose was also married and this time the hired killer succeeded and stabbed Stradella to death in Genoa