Took the plunge into Pro Tools 9, and I'm having some difficulty with VEPro. Older sessions that already contain VEPro plug-ins will connect to their server as normal. However, when new instances are created, or you disconnect one of the previously connected instances, none of the available servers show up. I've tried the most recent build of VEPro and I also tried backing up to 6853, but there is no difference.
Does anyone have PT9 playing nice with VEPro?
VEPro in Pro Tools 9
Unfortunately, the PT9 install wipes out PT8. I've been working off of a template for the last year or so, so I haven't had to manually connect to any server. But I'm redoing my template now for PT9. Are there any network settings that I may have changed in that time that could have caused something like this? FYI- The server is on the same computer as the host. Thanks Ryan