Ah yes William. A tranquil guru of fine Classical Taste. I finished my book finally. It will be on shelves by the end of this month. I'll send you a copy. Although I posted a download link for it on an earlier post up top. I took it for a test drive finally. One day it channeled Beethoven, one day it channeled Chopin, one day it channeled Rhachmaninof by surprise, one day it channeled an Ambulance ! .. I'm taking some time off now recouping. Angelo called me a while back. He's been appointed head of the Beijing motion picture new facility being built in China. Supposedly the largest, newest technology. His tranquility has been hampered for a while....
I myself have accumulated enough material for another CD in Bach's, Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin style. Just trying to regain strength again to notate it first. Then Orchestrate. Working with raw notation all this winter. Putting my daughter thru school at the same time... Have been visited by the Gray's again. ( you know they don't exist. And I'm crazy. ) They said they're a step ahead. I drew a chart of the Binary Structural concept linking the constitution with music. Who would ever thunk of this. I certainly didn't. Therefore its a train wreck DG not a car wreck. I'm monitored 24/7 here on the Mason Dixon line, Bible Belt, ( Binary Structural port ) it's all military here, I'm thinking of changing my name to Bird Dog, since I'm being used to draw fire.. Have a Conservative Scholastic pirate of a PHD from up north up my butt in South Carolina. He's lost his mind. I guess I won't be receiving the Earnest Hemingway paragraph writing award from paul this year. Gee I've always wanted a hole in my head... other than that, just the usual anticipation of the collapse of the monetary structure. Unless we fight back for it. Bring back those themes to the silver screen....