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    @Lon said:

    Ok.  Agree. But please don't say the sky is falling. It reminds me of an event. Only good stuff.... Oh Oh Just remembered I'm black listed. Technology has come a long way. I got to shut me down now. Even though, I'm truly thankful and blessed indeed, just to add, and be honest about everything...  Keep the good stuff going. 

    I'm sorry, I can't really follow this post, so forgive me if I misinterpret you. But I hope that you didn't think I meant that we should ignore the bad things in the world. By all means, the world is a horrible fucked up place, but let me tell you, you've got your work cut out for you if you want to try to demonstrate that it's appreciably worse than it's been in the past.

    How is what's happening today really worse than the salve trade, the pointless loss of life in World War I, genocide after genocide after genocide throughout the 20th century, European feudalism, European colonialism, the horrors of the early industrial revolution, the Cold War, the Mongol wars, the dark ages, apartheid, Iran Contra, the Great Depression, the dust bowl, the Spanish flu, the Spanish Inquisition the bubonic plague, Mao's "Great Leap Forward", Stalin's "five year plans," McCarthy, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the other times that the world has literally been on the brink of annihilation, general MacArthur literally wanting to nuke China during the Korean war, the exploitation of the American Irish during the U.S. civil war, the U.S. civil war in general, the U.S. south following the civil war and their culture of racism, the opium wars, the rise of American neoconservativism, the native american small pox epidemic, the total lack of rights for women in many parts of the world for most of recorded history, the conquistadors, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, the Japanese rape of nanking,Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the hypocrisy of the gilded age, the wide spread human sacrifice in the Inca and Maya cultures,  etc. etc. etc. etc.

    (I actually don't know what this has to do with film music themes, but you're the one that brought this up, so..)

  • Wow, in the midst of all those bad events. And during all that time. And people were so neatly dressed. In suits and ties. I'm leaving it at that... 

     Much rather interested in how you composed your compositions. And why ? What you enjoy to play ? I heard the intertwining of Debussy with modern voicings. Fresh twist. Much rather hear your educated venting from that angle. The scoring for pictures is reserved for William, Paul and others. Be-careful of paul. He's a monster... comes out after dark. Your existence may lie in peril. And at your own risk. 

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    @Lon said:

    Wow, in the midst of all those bad events. And during all that time. And people were so neatly dressed. In suits and ties. I'm leaving it at that... 

     Much rather interested in how you composed your compositions. And why ? What you enjoy to play ? I heard the intertwining of Debussy with modern voicings. Fresh twist. Much rather hear your educated venting from that angle. The scoring for pictures is reserved for William, Paul and others. Be-careful of paul. He's a monster... comes out after dark. Your existence may lie in peril. And at your own risk. 

    Lon, as far as I can tell we were talking about themes in film music, which was good, and then we were talking about the state of the world, and now we're talking about my music? I really can barely keep up with you, why don't we just go back to what the thread is about, and if you'd still like to talk about my music, maybe I'll make a thread with some of it at some point?

  • You're right of-course. I'm always interested in anyone's approach or method. And I've heard others mention of guy Bakus' way of working also, which is interesting in-deed. But for some reason this is never the case. Is someone stoping this ? For example, I'm more interested in your compositions and approach. But I'm afraid its gonna be something of the nature of writing by heart or by ear, as Stravinsky honestly eluded when asked. And your compositions are more interesting to me actually than Stravinsky's..  This is why the big stringers here are apt to tonal music aside from abstract. And the point made under this string, I believe ? I myself am on the same tone also. I think tonal is far more difficult and rare. As simple as others make it out to be. I never hear any direct tonal here, in the style of any of the great composers. Except maybe william, paul, DG and a few others. Here back to the same stringers again. This is far more rare and difficult than it is passed up to be. And on the other side of the coin, there are so many way's and languages in producing tonal music. Can everyone understand everyone else or have the time, or willing to comment about their work ? Is this why it's not done ? I had to create my own method myself. In which is surpassed also. And understandingly so. I don't even text or twitter. Too lengthy and stressful for me. I will have to get off here soon also to go back to work. But i posted my life's work anyway. And is it really about our work ? or about someone else controlling everything for themselves ? At the end of the day, It's about them ! ..I can't really talk about all the world's events as you put it, out of respect to VSL. Some things are still not talked about publicly. And I'm not talking about politics, race, sex, drugs and rock & roll. These are minute comparing.. But I'm sure everyone is interested in your approach mike. Please post before you're stopped. This is how it's done today. Even Bob dylan said that. Get in before the weather changes. And he had to day-view his art in england. Brian wilson said this country does not like art. This is the best and living songwriter in the US today. I hate to drop all these names here, but how does one validate ? No matter if it's tonal or abstract. This is still our language foremost. Far more interesting than all the other stuff talked about on daily basses. That's my opinion. I'm studying Cello and piano presently below link. Thats why I'm interested in your work also... 

  •  Where's Brad?

  •  Lon -  alias RK? - just had to say hello there!   I hope you are doing well!   Hey, I meant to send you a CD but am totally disorganized due to Vienna MIR.  It's all their fault.  Paul, remember that fine string quintet?  That's the main way I remember people these days.  Anyway, I am thinking of shifting identities myself.  I am grimly determined to evolve into a higher, zen-like being of unending tranquility and repose.

  •  That DG person...

  •  ...thinks he is so cool...

  •  ...with three thousand + posts....

  •  ... wow, that's a lot of yakking...

  •  ...really DG do you think you ought to make so many posts here?

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    @William said:

     ...really DG do you think you ought to make so many posts here?


    Oy, keep me out of this car wreck of a thread. [:P]


  • You must admit there is a certain morbid fascination.

  • Oh, and by the way I see your 5000+ post listing.  My apologies. I did not mean to impune your richly evocative garrulousness and copiously facile loquacity.

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    @William said:

    Oh, and by the way I see your 5000+ post listing.  My apologies. I did not mean to impune your richly evocative garrulousness and copiously facile loquacity.


     LOL. However, judging by the number of words in some of the posts on this thread, I have only about 200 or so posts in comparison really.


  • Ah yes William. A tranquil guru of fine Classical Taste. I finished my book finally. It will be on shelves by the end of this month. I'll send you a copy. Although I posted a download link for it on an earlier post up top. I took it for a test drive finally. One day it channeled Beethoven, one day it channeled Chopin, one day it channeled Rhachmaninof by surprise, one day it channeled an Ambulance ! .. I'm taking some time off now recouping. Angelo called me a while back. He's been appointed head of the Beijing motion picture new facility being built in China. Supposedly the largest, newest technology. His tranquility has been hampered for a while....

    I myself have accumulated enough material for another CD in Bach's, Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin style. Just trying to regain strength again to notate it first. Then Orchestrate. Working with raw notation all this winter. Putting my daughter thru school at the same time... Have been visited by the Gray's again. ( you know they don't exist. And I'm crazy. ) They said they're a step ahead. I drew a chart of the Binary Structural concept linking the constitution with music. Who would ever thunk of this. I certainly didn't. Therefore its a train wreck DG not a car wreck. I'm monitored 24/7 here on the Mason Dixon line, Bible Belt, ( Binary Structural port )   it's all military here, I'm thinking of changing my name to Bird Dog, since I'm being used to draw fire.. Have a Conservative Scholastic pirate of a PHD from up north up my butt in South Carolina. He's lost his mind. I guess I won't be receiving the Earnest Hemingway paragraph writing award from paul this year. Gee I've always wanted a hole in my head... other than that, just the usual anticipation of the collapse of the monetary structure. Unless we fight back for it. Bring back those themes to the silver screen....  

  • Now Lon......Mikeazz won't remember this, but many years ago you promised me (in your other guise and identity) that you would start an eight -week course of electro shock therapy....with Trevor. 

    What happened?

  • I get free shock treatment from you and other PHD's on regular basses. 24/7. You guys need to step it up. I'm afraid its not having much affect. And you're bothering me little boy, I'm listening to prince cocky pop on my I-pod. Go away !  .....

  • On a serious note Paul. Let me get off here please. I promise I'll go to the nearest shock therapy center and work on my paragraphing, thank you.. What's needed on this forum is an open mind. I'm of much help here as a civil unrest distraction, plus I need to think about my work...

    You're the chosen ones in that respect...  Please continue...

  •  Lon, I should mention that Paul only mentions that therapy because he bought some recreational electroshock equipment on a special offer from his local hardware store that included a free lifetime supply of rubber mouth guards.  He uses it on weekends after a jaunt to the pub and apparently it keeps him in tip-top shape for both composing and posting. 

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on