System: 8-core Mac Pro with Mac OS X 10.5.8, VE PRO 4.1.7043 64-bit, Logic Pro 9.1.1
Problem: VE PRO starts introducing small playback interruptions in VE PRO only (other tracks in Logic keep playing), with increasing timeouts as time goes on, most pronounced when the system has been left unattended for a time and continuing to work on it
I have reported this issue before in the official announcement thread for 4.1.7043 and continue to have that problem. When I first start with a project in Logic, after loading a meta frame with various plug-ins (Kontakt 4, Omnisphere, etc.), initially I do not get any playback interruptions from VE PRO running on that same machine.
Working with that project for a while, VE PRO introduces these playback timeouts, that first start as small dropouts and then continue to increase in duration as time goes on. If I leave the system unattended for say, 30 minutes, the interruptions can last from 1-2 seconds, longer if the system is left alone for a longer pause.
Interesting aspect is that I have VE PRO connecting to a slave workstation (Windows XP 64-bit), which does not exhibit those timeouts during playback, only the local VE PRO instance. All other tracks in Logic play back as expected, including audio tracks and virtual instrument tracks.
The only way to eliminate the problem at that point is to shut down Logic and VE PRO to initialize VE PRO and start with small timeouts. However, once the timeouts occur, shutting down VE PRO will not perform normally and I have to force quit the application.
Monitoring the CPU load while the timeouts and the final shut down occur shows that a single CPU will spike for the duration of the timeouts and on final attempt to shut down. During shut down attempts, the number of CPU the spike occurs will switch, meaning that it may start out on CPU 4 and then switch to 2, followed by 7, and so on.
I hope all this helps getting to the core of the issue. To me it seems that VE PRO is starting some process internally on the Mac that is not resolved during those timeouts (spikes).
Let me know if you need any other input. My hope is that this can be resolved quickly, as it is impacting work significantly.