Hi I wanted to chime in on this. I have a PC based system with 2 slaves running all my VSTi with VSL.
After I installed 7043 I was having dropouts then after a while, my Host computer's cpu would start to overload after working in a session. Something would trigger it and it would crack very horribly until I released the VSTs and then reloaded them. When something made it go up past 60%, there would be some snowball effect where the CPU could not die down to a lower percentage and would then start to crack the audio.
Unfortunately, at the time, I did not realize it was the upgrade that was causing this. I had made some changes to my system at that time and thought it had something to do with that. I actually switched DAWs because of it, and was on the verge of purchasing a new computer today, when at the last second I realized it may have something to do with the 7043 upgrade a while back. So I reinstalled the 6853 version and guess what.. system works fine now, like it did before. Now when it goes up to 50% or 60% for any reason, it dies down again and does not hover then spike out of control. Also the dropouts stopped.
***UPDATE!!!!!*** - I spoke too soon. The problem is back. When I opened up the key editor in Cubase, the cpu spiking and audio cracks came back with a vengeance. Well - back to the drawing board! :(
***UPDATE PART 2*** - I installed ViennaEnsemblePro-WIN-4.0.5436 and now its stable again. Does anyone have similar issues or is it just me? :)