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  • How to use Fast Attack patches with attack automation

    Hi folks, I wonder If somebody can give advice what the _fA_auto patches are meant for. For example, in the Solo Strings I I have several kinds of performance legato patches. But in the short+long notes section I further can find "11 VI_sus_Vib_fA", which, as the PDF manual says, has an "Optimized attack for legato" So, when should I use this patch? Furthermore I find - also in the short+long notes section - a patch called "12 VI_sus_Vib_fA_auto", which is described: Attack automation - monophonic. Monophony is usually a feature of the "real" legato-patches whith their note transitions. So, does this monophonic fA_auto patch also use sort of transitions, or what does it do? Jan

  • Hello Jan,

    fast attacks with sustained notes will give you faster transitions between notes - they are good to fake a fast legato, but there are no real transitions, like in the performance legato.

    "auto" means that you get the "normal" slow attack of the given patch for the first note you play, and the next notes will have the faster attack. It´s best to experiment with these patches - they were basically designed to give you an economic alternative to fast legatos - that was the pre-64-bit time, back then!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    Do you think that "fast attack sustain" patches make sense, today? I was thinking of letting the speed detection recall them at the highest speed of non-legato passages, when attacks are usually faster. But I suspect that the difference with ordinary sustain, in real use, is negligible.


  • Hi Paolo, 

    I'd say, let your ears decide. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Paul, I'll experiment!

    Best, Paolo