I'm glad this happened late at night and not at the start of my work day.
I try to load an instance of VEP and get this warnimng......
eLicenser Control-error
Application "Vienna Instruments PRO" has caused the following error
elicense contains no valid license for this application
-For trouble shooting infornmation click help (there is no "help")
-Click license to view available license (I'm not in that program)
- Click Cancel to abort
well you can't hit cancel to abort because then another warning comes up and says "you can't do this because the application might crash.
You can't hit "retry" cos nothing happens.
You are stuck in a cycle and you have to force quit to get out of it.
Ok enough going in circles for one night.
Please how does a person fix this and do some work?
I don't own VIPro and don't need it. It was a demo that came with the update.