Karel is checking into this one but - Has anyone else seen this and most importantly - what do you do to 'see available' slaves / instances across farm units (never an issue of seeing 'localhost' instances.) In the past, I have done the following - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Today it is not working and is really slowing down my work flow.
1. resave farm unit instance (sometimes this then shows it in the Master)
2. resave Master (project) - sometimes this works
3. when all else fails - re-boot ALL puters. Of course with a Master and 3 farm units (all 24 GB ram) - this is a schedule killer.
(today - none of these are working)
Thanks for any help you can be.
(I must say though that this has been an issue for at least 6 updates. Although the latest (7043) is the very best for reducing pops/clicks - good work Karel.)