Hi all, I'm new to the world of Vienna Instruments. I'm flipping between Logic sessions frequently, and am trying to avoid the long loading times by using Vienna Ensemble in Standalone mode, and bussing my midi signals from logic to VE, and the audio from VE back into Logic Aux tracks. Since I'm short on cash, I'm hoping to do this without getting VE Pro (though I intend to when the money is handy). I was thinking I needed to turn the Mac's IAC busses online, and use those to get the midi from logic to VE, but I'm struggling to get the audio back into Logic. I was thinking maybe if I used Soundflower (16ch) to somehow route it back in? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Routing From Logic to Ensemble and Back
Yeah, I realize that's what I would do ideally. However, I'm kind of short on cash (spent it all on the computer and library), and was hoping to find a way to work without it for now. PRO would be way better than any workaround! I just don't have that much cash.... I'll definitely buy it once I can. I was just hoping to get VE to work for this until then.