I use Logic9 to sequence my music and now with VI Pro I'm getting a bit confused.
In my preset I have 3 matrices (A, B & C) and I use program changes to switch between them. Each matrix has several articulations that I control with CC32 (that's the same as program changes if I'm correct).
In L9 I give the following command:
1 1 1 1 Program 1 0 2 [electric grand] (position (1 1 1 1), type (program change), channel (1), Num (0), Val (2) and Length/info (L9 uses GM names I guess)). So I select matrix C (L9 counts from 0, so the third matrix), first articulation.
Then comes the note:
1 1 1 1 Note 1 C#2 127 - 3 0 0 (a C#2, velocity 127 with a certain length)
At bar 2 I want a different articulation:
2 1 1 1 Program 1 10 0 [grand piano]. So that's matrix A, third articulation (I use steps of 5 because VI Pro won't allow steps of 1)
And a new note:
2 1 1 1 Note 1 C#2 127 - 3 0 0
What happens is this:
first play through:
matrix C, articulation 1 >> note
matrix A, articulation 3 >> note
but when playing it again I get:
matrix C, articulation 3 >> note
matrix A, articulation 3 >> note
So somehow (not sure if this is due to L9 but I suspect Vi Pro) the program change does not work correctly. It could be that it is because I use one program change to switch between both matrix AND articulation and this info gets lost somehow.
Any ideas?