I am on a Mac using Cubase. I am new to useing VE-pro but find that the latency with my buffer set to 256 in cubase and VE-PRO set with 2 buffer to be really bad latency. When I play in lines it just feels off. My problem is if I lower the buffer to 192 in Cubase it using too much CPU to support my template. If I lower the buffer in VE-pro from 2 to 1 it also increases the CPU load too much.
My question for you guys is that I am using a MOTU 424 card for my audio
Which audio card will give me the lowest buffer without killing my CPU performance.
I have heard RME is good but anyone know how it will compare to my Motu 424 card
What buffer setting are you using for your host and VE-PRo???
thanks for the help