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  • newest VE Pro causing demos to be used b/c of VI Pro

    Hey, I don't use/own VI Pro, but I DO use/own VE Pro 3 (use as 3rd party plugin host). Your most recent update (aug 27th) includes VI Pro in the startup file, and since I don't own this it has been subtracting demos from my USB key. Even when I load VE Pro from clicking a file saved without VI Pro in it, it still loads the initial startup set (master bus + VI Pro) briefly prior to opening the selected file. The bottom line is that there was no mention of this in the update as far as I could tell, and as such I think it's VSL's responsibility to replace the demos used as a result as well as issue an update that removes VI Pro from the initial startup file. Or, alternatively, issue VE Pro 3 users a license for VI Pro. Thanks.

  • Hey, Of course you dont own it,thats why its a demo,I think it is mentioned that Vi Pro(30 x usage)demo comes with the latest VE PRo update,so everytime you open Ve Pro with Vi Pro loaded as default it counts as a use,However I do agree that Vi Pro should not be loaded by default and I also think that the Vienna instruments should not be loaded by default, empty VE PRo instance,Im pretty sure thats what most users want. ===================================================================================================================================Re Vi Pro:I am very wary of updating because of the bundled Vi Pro demo,also since VI Pros release I have noticed a lot of threads re issues and compatibility etc,.It seemed that with VE Pro(V.6150)all seemed well. =================================================================================================================================== IS there a way to update VE Pro without the Vi Pro demo,or is the Vi Pro demo installation optional when insatlling the latest update? If not,could we have an update without the VI Pro demo,as I mentioned Ver 4.0.6150 is working like a dream at the moment and Im hearing lots of issues on the forum re Vi Pro and Kontakt 4.1 etc. Dean.

  • dear simon,

    your panic watching the demo starts going down appears to be based on the fact you didn't register your epic orchestra so far ...


    contrary to your opinion i cannot see any responsibility to replace used demo starts, especially since vsl doesn't know for usage of which products they have been eaten up.


    hth, christian


    edit: btw we have merged your accounts to the older one keeping the credentials of the newer one

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi,just wanted to bump this,..Karel,Paul?,Thanks again for your help. re Ve Pro:I am very wary of updating Ve Pro (latest version) because of the bundled Vi Pro demo,also since VI Pros release I have noticed a lot of threads re issues and compatibility etc,.It seemed that with VE Pro(V.6150)all seemed well. =================================================================================================================================== IS there a way to update VE Pro without the Vi Pro demo,or is the Vi Pro demo installation optional when insatlling the latest update? If not,could we have an update without the VI Pro demo,as I mentioned Ver 4.0.6150 is working like a dream at the moment and Im hearing lots of issues on the forum re Vi Pro and Kontakt 4.1 etc. Thanks,Dean.

  • Hello Dean,

    there is no VE PRO update available without an integrated VI PRO. If you don´t want to use VI PRO, I´d simply roll back to an older version of VE PRO.

    I see that you have licensed VE PRO (and therefore also the Epic Orchestra). May I ask why you are so concerned about the demo starts? Which other VI Collections are you demo-ing /what are your plans with the demo-starts?



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul, Im still using VE Pro Ver.6150 for this reason and my system is working brilliantly at the moment,I simply stated that I would like to wait untill any issues with VI Pro are sorted before updating and purchasing but I wanted to keep up to date with the latest version of Ve Pro. ================================================================================================================================== If you read my first post you'll see that I'm not interested in the demo starts at all,I was actually responding to the original poster who was concerned about the demos.I have no other VI demos,(actually I've never downloaded a demo version of any library ever,for example Ve Pro looked amazing so I just bought it.) ================================================================================================================================== Re: 'plans with the demo-starts'(I'm not sure what you mean,could you elaborate?) Dean.

  • Hi Dean,

    sorry for the confusion, my bad.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL