Currently, when you load up a project file in your sequencer and you are using external persistent VE server instances, those external templates must be loaded before you open your sequence. Yes, you can load your sequence then manually connect to them but that can be very annoying and time-consuming when you use many VE connections.
Say your external templates aren't loaded and you aren't aware of this, and then you open up a sequence file (which takes several minutes). Now once those external templates are loaded, in order to connect to their VE instances you have to manually connect each one - OR - reload your sequence. Both of which are frustrating and often time-consuming, especially for those of us with a dozen or more VE server plugins in a sequence spread across no less than five machines.
My suggestion is: add the ability for a VE server plugin to automatically connect to the instance as soon as the instance appears on the network. This way, a sequence can be open, and VE's operation is much more elegant because you have the option of loading up your template and not having to worry about manually reconnecting it.