Hi there,
I have to try it in this section of the Forum again, because I have a problem that I can't solve so far.
A Song composed in Logic 9 or Logic 8 on an Powermac G5 Quad running 10.5.8 with Vienna Instruments 2.1.5 installed,
opens correct and playable in Logic 9 or Logic 8 on a Macpro 12 core running 10.6.4 with Vienna Instruments 2.1.5 installed.
After Loading, all Vienna Instrument plugins in the Arrangement are present but inside, the assigned Instruments are empty.
It is not the Library that I am missing - all Instruments are there and assignable, I can load all of them.
The Directory Manager didn't help.
But the Instruments inside the Songs, for example "appassionata sus" ore else - are not assigned.
The only way to work with the "old" songs is to open them on the PPC Mac, memorize the assigned instruments, then load the songs
on the new Intel Mac again and assign them manual. This is a lot of work and can't be the way.
Again - everything works fine, all Vienna Libraries are present and loadable but the used Instruments in the Songs of the older Mac
were not loaded on the new Mac.
Permissions repaired, Library checked, newest Vienna on both, eLicenser work, latest Logic versions on both, latest operating System on both, hard disks checked and ok, all other plugins work fine.
Is there anybody who can help me, or experience the same problem?
Is there a solution, did I overlooked something?
What if I want to collaborate with musicians still using PPC Macs?
Please help me because I am in production of a TV - Movie score and need the compositions with vienna.
Klaus Wagner