Hi, I'm using VIP with VLS Special Edition.The patch 35S DB-6 legato (Orchestral Strings/Kbass) failed to load (wheel turning for hours). The problem is still there when I'm using VIP in standalone mode. But theese patches are running fine with VI (not Pro). Thanks for your help. VIP 1.0.6853 LogicPro 9.1.1 Mac OS-X 10.6.4 iMac 3Ghz 2 core/4 Go
[SOLVED] VI Pro some patches failed to load (crash)
Hi bellav888,
I just checked on a similar system, OS X 10.6.4 - no troubles loading this patch in VI PRO. Hm...
Do any other patches show the same behaviour? Did you repair permissions yet, or did you restart your system?
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Hello. I've just repaired permissions and (of course) restarted the system (many times). Corrupted install DVD? What surprises me is that the same patche works fine under VI (not Pro version). I've just tried to start standalone VI Pro in 32 bits mode. Same problem. I haven't tried yet systematically all the collection, but a lot of patches. For the time being, only 35S DB-6 legato failed. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.
Hi Paul, I finally found a solution. I reinstalled VSL Special Edition using another DVD drive (from a second computer across my LAN). I noticed that the install DVD (though brand new) had slight imperfections (the plastic was not quite clear, but not really scratched). I thought there would have been some checksum mechanism to prevent corrupted data. And I still find weird that VI was able to read these patch while the Pro version crashed. Anyway, thank you very much for your quick response! VI pro and VSL Special Edition are great products.
Well....I'm wondering if something else is the cause. I've encountered the identical problems as Claude.
January 31, 2008
Special Edition Library Update
4 Fixes
Instruments Orchestral Strings
Patch: 05S VI-14 legato
Repetition attacks fixed
Patch: 15S VA-10 legato
Repetition attacks fixed
Patch: 25S VC-8 legato
Repetition attacks fixed
Spikes on some notes fixed
Patch: 35S DB-6 legato
Repetition attacks fixed
Hi MJ,
no troubles here with the Library Updates - BTW: If you apply them, please drag the Library Update Files directly onto the Directory Manager, this will make them work (we´re actually preparing a fix for those Library Updates right now).
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support