Yes but a lot of films these days don't have music per se. They have sound.
Sound is different to a music score for a film or anything else for that matter. I haven't seen Inception as yet so can't comment - but I can imagine.
There's nothing worse as you get older than to be watching a film and the background noise is just sound. Sound, if used extremely effectively can still make signals to the audience. An immediate example of that would be Forbidden Planet which was pretty ground breaking at the time. But no sane audience could take that for every film.
I watched a nondescript film the other evening where the director and writers ran out of ideas after about one third of the way into the film. Film is called 30 Days - or something like that. The photography was good but apart from that the background sound/noise was obviously what was asked for and became irritating.
With the advent of more and more sample libraries that deal in noise and sound you will find that these tv and filmscores will become more prevalent as they pander towards score writers that specialize in noise and not music scores in the traditional sense. These sample libraries must be a Godsend to these type of writers and good luck to them too because earning money is hard enough at the best of times.
This is what you wind up with in the greater scheme of filmmaking though. When you pander to instant this or that in the world of mobile phones and texting, a low boredom threshold and the attention span of a gnat - you're going to get mostly crap films along with crap editing, photography, dialogue, direction, production values and even filmscores.
Crap is of course extremely subjective mind you. What is crap to me having been brought up going to the cinema from the 50's onwards - may be the best thing to a 20 year old that thinks holding a number of notes on midi keyboard that's triggering a noise makes for good scoring. But what's irritating to me is not necessarily irritating to a moron.
Let's face it - if you want to make money making films today based the above criteria you have to take the lowest common denominator route. That's where the money is based on todays education and values.