Hi Guys,
Absolutely love the new interface on the Mac and the window focus issue and separate server window for us Mac Guys is gone. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!
Just started playing it last night and noticed something... Has "Master Attack always been assigned to controller 22 as a default or is this setting new to the VI Pro interface?
The reason I ask is controller 22 is the code for the Ribbon Controller on the Yamaha Motif (the controller I use). When I loaded the new flugel horn and other sound presets the patches sounded really muffled when playing. I noticed that the VI Pro Master Attack Slider had moved to a value of 64 when I was not touching the ribbon controller or had touched it. If I touched and kept holding down the ribbon controller at the far left it sent the value of 0 to the attack slider and the patches sounded correct (but I had to keep my left hand on the ribbon controller the whole time).
I know I can set the VI Pro Attack Parameter to ignore controller 22 but will I need to do this for every preset and save or is their a global way to do this on the interface?
I never noticed this to be the case with the Yamaha Motif and the original VI interface.
Can anyone advise?
Dave Zeltner