Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • New presets for VIPRO

    VSL - you really have exceeded my expectations with this VIPRO release.  Wonderful in every way - except one.   PRESETS.

    For me - any help on getting the most out of the new features would be great.  While Paul's videos are great I think they stop just short for YOU.

    If you could do two things - I think you will sell libraries you recorded many years ago - to a new generation of VSL users.   Sounds like a no brainer business proposition - sell and make money on what is already on your servers.[;)].

    1.   create new PRESETS (start with the TR-6, HO-8, TB-3 and all the WW's)

    2.  Create a short vid playing these presets 'live' - showing the ease of use - power of control.

    --watch your sales go through the roof.

    (actually - as I think of it you might consdier doing the same with your strings.  I am certain recent competitive string releases have hurt sales - what better way to revitalize that portion of your business.  IMHO - no one STILL - does the short and dynamic string articulations as well as VSL - but the reality is that in the 'heat of the schedule' - I don't always have time to put a 'puzzle' together of various articulations.   Just my opinion.)

    --Again congrats on an excellent release and reminding us WHY you guys often lead the pack.

  • Yes, It would be great to both speed up the production process via usable presets while simultaneously refreshing the value of all the existing VSL sample libraries. 

    Potential new users will hear from existing users of the power of VI Pro and the carefully crafted existing libraries. VSL should see more sales of most current libraries. How high these sales will go depend heavily on the marketing and communication skills of the people in Vienna itself.

    The current dozen new videos help a great deal in explaining the power of the new features in VI Pro. In the past VSL has seemed to have taken the point of view that explaining too much about their products would in some ways limit the creativity of what the customer could or should be able to come up with on their own.

    If VSL were to create quick new videos (they don't necessarily have to be works of high technical excellence - just something that speaks clearly and frankly to the heart of existing and new customers) for many of the new presets and deliver them at the same time....then you would have a level of personal communication that we've not seen heretofore from VSL.

    Refer to videos done recently by smaller sample library developers like Cinesamples and Tonehammer. These are informal, informative and enlightening. They really peke the interest of the potential customer and ellicit emotional response.

    We think you have something really exciting here. It would be great to see you make the most of it.

    What's in it for me? Well, you'll make a lot of money and stay in business for a long time making me really good libraries and software.


  • I think this is a great idea too.

    I am not sure if Mr Elliot has something similiar to the Symphobia multi's ... which are great inspirational tools ... but mixture of pre-defined multi-s for ensembles would be great.

    Simply stunning piece of software, BTW.  I am sure the industry awards will just flow in!

  • I know many professional composers who don't use VSL because they feel (rightly or wrongly) they have to 'mess' too much with the samples to get work done quickly. In many cases they both like and respect the sound palette and flexibility available with VSL libraries but are so very, very concerned with deadlines that they dare not make the time to take the step in that direction.

    If VSL were to take the time on their end to save the time for their customers via the creation of amazing, useful presets (hey, you might even want to get some Hollywood composers' input on which instrument they might want) and then most importantly create for delivery at the same time short, fun videos that show how to use these presets then you might crack the ice of the great continents of potential customers who avoid these libraries to date.

    As an American, I understand the mentality here. We're busy and we need to be force fed with a silver spoon any substantial new idea.

    Feed me.


  • AMEN to both of you!

  • Hi everybody,

    I agree 100%, and there will be presets - we just didn´t want to hold back VI PRO just because of presets, as it´s just too great a tool to work with as it is!

    This will take some more time, it´s still a lot of possibilities and we´re trying to find the best way of making use of the new features, in a well-organized way that doesn´t come with an overwhelming number of presets (which would be even more confusing)....

    There will also be more videos, of course - lots of ground to cover!

    Thanks for your input,


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Sounds good Paul.   Call off any possible holidays and half your usual night's rest.   Oh yea - you can forget about any plans for Octoberfest!!!

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    @Rob Elliott said:

    Call off any possible holidays and half your usual night's rest.   Oh yea - you can forget about any plans for Octoberfest!!!

    ...secretly want to be Herb...

  • Hi,

    meanwhile, feel free to experiment and share your knowledge [:)]



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I most certainly would be in the minority but I will voice my opinion anyway. Of all the sound libraries I know, I take my hat off to the towering quality of the VSL. One of the reasons is the wonderful playing of the VPO, and the 'purity' of the sounds (I don't know how to articulate that better, I am 90% musician 10% techie).

    The other reason, is that it is the only top-shelf library which doesn't provide Hollywood Winds-like presets. I have explained my reasons in an older post, but I have a real problem with ready-made chunks of orchestral/instrumental music, offered to and used by musical illiterates to disguise their indigence, and to show off to directors/producers work that is not their own. Now I don't live in the US and I don't usually face the tough deadlines capable composers do over there, and as far as that is concerned I do sympathize. However, let's be honest, a lot of people buy those orchestra-in-a-box products because the musical building blocks those companies provide would take those people weeks to notate - if they could do it at all... Now, some people don't have a problem with this (I acknowledged my minority status), some others don't mind pirating VSL sounds, you can find Logic Studio free downloads and other cracked software on the internet in abundance as you know; usurping other - more talented - people's work and passing it off as one's own is becoming less and less of a big deal. I know that these other libraries are built and sold with that kind of mentality, but that doesn't make it any less of a talent trade-off in my eyes.

    I  ask the VSL team to consider the proud tradition of orchestral music and juxtapose that to a lot of DJs who introduce themselves in social situations as composers, before they offer Williams/Elfman/Zimmer/Shore snippets to sorry figures, enabling them to masquerade themselves as musicians. Characterless, generic presets like scale runs, arpeggios and the like of course are always welcome; Indiana Jones marches and E.T. flying stabs should not be. And most importantly...

    ... enough with these cloned Toms/Taiko passages in every single action sequence already. Are you people really SO uninspired? Instead of crippling down the path of least resistance, listen to the masters...

  • First off - I agree with much of what you say.  One HUGE favor, Errikos - how about some paragraphs[;)]

    No sample library or REAL instrument for that matter will make poop smell any differently.  I have always believed that it is 'not the wand but the witch'.  I am not asking for (presets of functionality) anything that is not inherently built into the new VIPRO - controllability of static sample snapshots.

    The new VIPRO is wonderful and I have already used it today to make my living - but 'starting point' presets would save me time to concentrate on the very thing you allude to  - the writing.   Every day my personal goal is in finding a unique 'voice' in a sea of competition. 

    Thanks again VSL for this new 'tool' - really wonderful. 

  • Fixed the paragraphs.

    Rob, I'm glad someone agrees with me, even to a point. I know that you know I was not referring to guys like you; I've heard your stuff and I can tell that you are asking for functionality and efficiency, as opposed to crutches/prosthetics. Also, I agree that "no library will make poop smell any differently" - as yet! My problem is that with so many people entering the industry with ill-advised confidence (just listen to all those cloned demos in all those websites...) and somehow getting work, the public - and most importantly directors and producers - slowly but surely are just getting used to that 'smell', just like when you visit a farm. Not that this could ever be called great, or even good music, but I'm so afraid that it could become the acceptable standard, especially when software is increasingly getting better all the time at covering inadequacy.

    I would just like to repeat, that characterless, generic musical blocks such as scales, scale-arpeggios, bariolage, harmonic glissandi, etc., that are most difficult to reproduce with single-note samples, are most welcome and will immediately find their way into my shopping basket.

  • Thanks Errikos. WOW - this vipro is GOOD!!!!!   Wish I had more time to really sit with it (and the vids).   Outstanding VSL - just outstanding.   What a facelift you have given to your libraries.

  • Hello

    I am back for holidays[:(]

    Is there is any news about the New Presets using the new feature of VI pro ?



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    +1 interested owner!

    Paul wrote above:

    @Another User said:

    I agree 100%, and there will be presets - we just didn´t want to hold back VI PRO just because of presets, as it´s just too great a tool to work with as it is!

    This will take some more time, it´s still a lot of possibilities and we´re trying to find the best way of making use of the new features, in a well-organized way that doesn´t come with an overwhelming number of presets (which would be even more confusing)....

    I understand this logic. However, I find the best way to learn is from examples. Having VSL-made presets will be incredibly useful to users like myself.

    Regards - Colin

  • It still would be very useful! But I think that's not in "to do" list...

  • VI PRO 2 will be delivered with more than 2300 of new matrix and preset files for all library categories (DVD collections, Downloads, Special Edition)

    All in all I've worked 8 month now preparing the content.  [:S]



  • [:P] OLÉ!!!

    [:O]! In fact my post pretends to be an action - reaction from VSL!

    Really congrats guys! 

    Herb, If you need holidays after that, you are invited to Mallorca to a house in front of the beach, but remember to come with a "little" present box from VSL ...

    Jaume G.

    Alcudia, Mallorca

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    @herb said:

    VI PRO 2 will be delivered with more than 2300 of new matrix and preset files for all library categories (DVD collections, Downloads, Special Edition)

    All in all I've worked 8 month now preparing the content. 



    Bravo Herb !!!!

    Many many thanks - this will really be appreciated.

    I look forward to the update.

  •  Where exactly are the presents and matrices stored?  Are they the last 2 .dat file for each instrument?

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190