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  • VI Pro with old projects


    - I want to buy the new VI Pro. I'm now working with Logic 9.1 and the "old" VI, so ... what about the old projects if I now install the new version? Is it possible to install the new Pro version in old projects without changing everything, or should I use the Pro version only for new projects?

    - I'm used to control all the VI parameters (Articulation switch, attack, release...) from Logic Hyper Editor. Is this still possible in the Pro version?

    Thanks a lot


  • I'm wondering the same thing here. Hoping for an answer! If there is a way of integrating VI Pro into old projects, so that I don't have to painstakingly recreate all of my files again, I would be very happy [H]

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    this is how it works (also described in the VI PRO manual):

    VI => VI PRO: You can easily save a preset in VI, then open the VI PRO and load that preset (fully compatible). There is no way to "automatically" replace VI, but it´s just a few clicks, really.

    VI in VE PRO => VI PRO in VE PRO: Use the new "Convert to Vienna Instruments PRO" features in each instance of VE PRO. All VI instances will be automatically converted to VI PRO.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thank you Paul

    so, if I have understood: when I'll have installed VI Pro I'll see in Logic a double possibility, to instanciate in a new project  the "old" VI or the new VI Pro. In any case, if I hopen an old project where there was VI it will not jump automatically to VI Pro, with some possible catastrophy (!!). Am I right?

    Sorry for my fear, but I've so much work done that only the idea...

    thank you again


  • Hello Roberto,

    I´d suggest to take your time with this transition. It´s a lot of new features....

    Old projects will open with the "normal" VI, just as before.No need to worry. No catastrophies.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Ok Paul, I feel I'm a much better man now... And my night sleep will be much better too!

    Thanks a lot
