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  • VI Pro - Sustained notes cut off abruptly (at the loop point?)

    Sustained notes cut off abruptly on VI pro. It seems to be random but happening often enough to be cosistent especially when more than 4 notes are played on the same patch. Looks like they cut off where they are supposed to be looping but I can not be sure of that.

    Tried it with most Appassionata and Orchestra strings long  sus pathces and it happens with all of them.

    It does not happen on the regular VI.

    Also: the learn controller function by right clicking on the fader does not work unless VI pro is within VE.

    OSX 10.5.8, Logic 8.02

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    Hi mkapou,

    the loop problem will be fixed with the next version (soon), see this thread.

    No troubles with the right click here, but I´m on 10.6.4 - can anyone confirm troubles with right-click on 10.5.8 without VE PRO?



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL