What is the maximum number of processors VSL software can make use of? There is an interesting discussion of the latest Mac Pro machines at:
The results of some tests posted there are surprising - - showing that, in some circumstances the 6-core 3.33 GHz "Westmere" may be faster than the 12 core 2.66 model. This is because it has a higher clock speed and there is a lot of software that cannot make use of all 12 cores. Significant speed advantages occur only when the software is written to take advantage of all 12 processor cores.
Logic Users may be interested to read the following:
This test appears to show that Logic Pro can make use of only 3 processor cores.
All this is important because the 3.33 GHz 6 core machine has a list price of $3699 while the 12 core machine's list price is $4999 for the base, 2.66GHz, model.
Other World Computing has 8GB memory sticks that will work in this machine so that, despite the fact that the 6 core machine is equipped with only 4 memory slots, it can hold up to 32GB of memory.
I would be most appreciative of anyone's thoughts about this.