I posted a separate list with all the features/improvements that I really liked. Here is the list of what I think should be worked on for the next update:
1) GUI
Honestly, I was a little bit disappointed by the look. It has a toy like "Fisher Prize" feel, looks flat with not much contrast and depth and is a little bit hard to read. It could be a VSL design decision to go "simple" but it comes across as the first programming job of a freeware app where the developer uses only the basic system graphics elements becasue he doesn't have the budget to hire a designer to create stunning graphics.
2) Delete - Dialog Box
This is a in my opinion a major oversight that I listed already in the original VI. Every delete or clear action should have an alert box popping up "Are You Sure?" It is too easy, especially with everything getting so small, to click the trash icon by accident and poof, the Matrix is gone. I don't think this is a tricky programming tasks and should be just part of standard procedure.
3) Current Preset Name Display
This is another issue I posted back in VI. When you load a preset, the plugin window doesn't indicate the name of the loaded preset. Again this should be standard file handling procedure. A preset is like a document. When you open it up, the window header should display the name of the file so if you switch between multiple open files, you know which one you're working on. In addition, at least in OSX, the red circle in the left upper corner of a document window indicates if that file has been edited since it was opened (red circle with a dot) or if it unaltered (red circle without dot).
4) Middle C standard
A wise man once said: "The good thing about a standard is that there are so many of them". This is kind of true for the naming of the "Middle C". There is the Roland (c4) and the Yamaha (c3) standard. My suggestion (again still back in VI) was to let the user choose in an option settings,
5) Window resize
A plugin window resize feature would be highly appreciated., like Logic's EXS24 where you just drag the window open to overcome the poor readability all those mini fonts.
6) "About Software" Bug
If you select the "About software" from the Version popup menu in the right upper corner, the window will change to a wild colorful roller coaster animation. It looks kind of cool but I don't think it was the intention
7) File Browser / Custom Presets
This is a topic where I have problems/questions about it, so I start a separate post for that