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  • VIPro and VE (not pro) can they work together?


    I have just purchased VI Pro... but I have been using VE (regular)  with my old VI.  Will VIPro work with VE (regular).  Do I need to purchase VE Pro for VI pro to work?   

    I tried loading my old VE and received tons of errors.  VIPro works as a stand alone but I need the VE.   What is the procedure ??

    Many thanks


  • Herb said they are working on it (scroll down I saw a post about it yesterday.) I hope they do it soon too!

  • Are we looking at months or weeks? ..... I guess I should have dug a bit deeper before I purchased VI Pro...  


  • Hi,

    we´re talking weeks, if everything works out fine [:)]

    Enough time to get started with VI PRO!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul,

         Thankfully, I can still use VE with the old VI.... and on free days check out VIPro in stand alone mode..

    Thanks again


  • Thanks Paul - I was also wondering about this.

    Thanks also for all your posts recently!

    It's really helpful being able to dialogue directly with folks at VSL - much appreciated. [Y]

  • Hi Colin,

    Thanks for the feedback. A new version with a few nice additional features is already on the way :-)



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

      How will we know when VE will be compatible with VI Pro?  I don't mind waiting.... somewhere on the web site?.....

    Thanks again 


  • Hi Mike,

    the next version of VE will be compatible. I´d say, have a look in about 3 weeks. And we´ll also add this info in a newsletter, I guess. Lots going on on the software side of things right now [:)], a newsletter is never wrong!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • O.K. Paul .... I'll check back in 3

    Thanks for all you do..
