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  • I had the same problem with an 8 core Macpro (the 8the core was going on overload, the other where around 10/15 %)

    I solve it using VE PRO server

  • I found that excluding all 32 bit plugs (thus non 32 bit bridge), things works much better. [B]

  • I have a i7 core mac and the latest Logic 9. I have about 18 instances of VEP in Logic going out to two slave computers running Kontakt, PLAY, etc... I do notice one of the cores getting into the red zone while the rest hover around 15%. I didn't know this could have anything to do with VEP. Performance wise, my system is running great with the exception of a small pause before playback every few minutes. Not sure if that is related to this issue.

  • do you have a lot of effects running in Logic ? reverbs ?

    If yes you must uses busses so Logic spread the load across processors



  • I have all my fx with busses. No problem there. I'm just wondering if there is a way to get VEP to spread out over all the cores, or if this is a Logic issue. Not sure. Here is a tutorial for spreading fx:

  • it's  a Logic issue [+o(]

    Look with activity monitor if the load is balanced ! (mine was, so it was Logic reporting core overload that did not existed)

    To track your problem I will disable all FX one after one and see if this cure the problem. (suppressing the reverb should help)

    Then I Will read the link given by passenger57 and apply it little by little the FX



  • The one core seems to be related to the number of instances of VEP. But I think your right, it is indeed a Logic issue. It must be quite a challenge for the Vienna programmers to always have to keep up with all the new systems, DAWs, plugins, etc, that are always changing. So extra kudos to you! =)

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    @Cyril said:


    Did you read those :

    if that does not help you can use VE PRO SERVER (I had the same problem and that solved it)



    Cyril - Could you please elaborate? Do you mean you ran VEP as a server on the same machine as Logic? My two outboard PCs are running in server mode. I have VEP loaded up in Logic as a multi-instrument plugin. Is there another way to do this? thanks!

  • I have the same problem. Mixing in the VIframes is possible, yes, but very inconvenient as I'd have to save each VIFrame with each project (I run VEPro decoupled for snappier response in Logic) and would have to reload them for each new project, which defeats the great preserve feature.

    I submitted a feature request to Apple with a link to this thread and Martin's explanation. Those who experience this problem, please do the same:

  • I'm in the middle of setting up a large template too and have noticed this problem.  VE pro is not playing nice.  I get distributed cores but I'll suddenly get massive stuttering and dropouts when using VE Pro but loading everything as separate VIPros in Logic yields smooth results.  I have Cubase 5 and tried that but the CPU usage was far worse.  I tried to add Vienna Suite eq to the VE Pro but that drove the CPU over the top.  Running them in Logic was much better.  Granted in all of this my machine is an older 2.66 quad Mac Pro.


    Edit: I don't know if you've noticed but the load time with VI has gotten extremely quick practically negating the need for separate hosting.

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    @passenger57 said:

     Cyril - Could you please elaborate? Do you mean you ran VEP as a server on the same machine as Logic?

    yes, 64bit

  • Hi, i have the same Problem..(8 Core / Logic 9.1.3 VE Pro latest Version on one Machine) I know that i can fix it when i mix everyhting in VE Pro and return it as one Stereo Output Back to Logic..but that would kill my whole Setup. (SSL Duende won´t work know in the 64Bit VEPro and the Euphonix MC Mix and MC Controls just can Mix a hole Stereo Input of "Strings" "Brass" etc...which make the a kind of "useless" - having all this faders) So my question: Can i fix it when i run VE Pro on a second machine (PC?), or is the moment when the Audio Input is linked to the Logic on the Mac Pro the bottle neck - and is still get this overload, even if all the Vienna stuff is NOT on the same machine? Thanks for your help! greets Stefan

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    @Stibi74 said:

    Hi, i have the same Problem..(8 Core / Logic 9.1.3 VE Pro latest Version on one Machine) I know that i can fix it when i mix everyhting in VE Pro and return it as one Stereo Output Back to Logic..but that would kill my whole Setup. (SSL Duende won´t work know in the 64Bit VEPro and the Euphonix MC Mix and MC Controls just can Mix a hole Stereo Input of "Strings" "Brass" etc...which make the a kind of "useless" - having all this faders) So my question: Can i fix it when i run VE Pro on a second machine (PC?), or is the moment when the Audio Input is linked to the Logic on the Mac Pro the bottle neck - and is still get this overload, even if all the Vienna stuff is NOT on the same machine? Thanks for your help! greets Stefan

    If you run VE Pro on a separate PC life is much better I find.  I only have one PC so far and that runs a competitors string library, but within the VEPro host.  Logic barely notices the incoming load (granted thats just a stereo stream, but more won't bother it).  I gave up trying to host all 32 instruments in VE Pro on my older MacPro 2.66 because my machine just isn't fast enough.  Until I can build a 2nd PC to host all the Vienna stuff it will live inside Logic.  At least that way I can start freezing individual tracks as the load starts to get heavy.  The downside is if I tweak the template and need to apply it to other projects it's a long process.


  • Hi Chris, thanks for your i right: At this point you don´t work with 2 different pc? So you not 100 % shure if a second PC would fix the problem? Because i think about to buy a second PC to fix it - but if i buy it just to find out, it´s still the same problem in the moment the audio arrives to the mac and logic - that would be not so good - in case of time an money :-((( So if you (or anyone) have some reliable informations if this could fix it - that would be great... Thank you Stefan

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    @Stibi74 said:

    Hi Chris, thanks for your i right: At this point you don´t work with 2 different pc? So you not 100 % shure if a second PC would fix the problem? Because i think about to buy a second PC to fix it - but if i buy it just to find out, it´s still the same problem in the moment the audio arrives to the mac and logic - that would be not so good - in case of time an money :-((( So if you (or anyone) have some reliable informations if this could fix it - that would be great... Thank you Stefan

    I'll know this weekend becuase I was going to test a setup where my MacBook pro runs my choirs.  I'll let you know.


  • I thought perhaps running multiple VE servers (one for each instrument) would solve this issue, but apparently not. I'm still running 32-bit Logic as many of my plugins are not yet 64-bit, so the only way I can run large templates is with VE-pros ability to load my sample heavy instruments outside logic. 

    Is there any solution to this problem? I'm not even running a full orchestra and I'm already hitting the limit of my CPU since its only using one core!! I am only running 10 VE pro servers, each with a single instrument & no aux routing. I'm even running 5 in 64-bit and 5 in 32-bit VE pro servers hoping this would spread the load, and apparently it doesn't!! 

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Is my only option to abandon VE-pro and run everything in 64-bit? 

  • You can run 32 bit and 64 bit AU in Logic set in 64 bit

    It is better t have 16 VI in a VE PRO

    I have 1 x VE PRO 64 bit server with 8 x VE PRO that have a total of 80 VI (instruments) and this uses 50/60 % of my CPU on very heavy parts



  • Sorry, I should have been more clear. On playback if I select an aux my CPU load is great! Like 30% for each core great (activity monitor)! However, when I record arm a VE-pro to add more notes, thats when the core peaks, whether I'm playing it or not. I have a new VE-pro instance for each instrument, so its not like all my orchestra becomes active, just my violins for example, and I'm still peaking! This seems to only happen with VE-pro instruments, as my EXS instruments do not exhibit this behavior. 

    I had to up my process buffer to 512, which is high when trying to play midi instruments. I'm on a 2.93 Nahalem 8-core with 24GB ram, so my machine should be plenty powerful. Any advice?  

    edit: whats odd is this seems to be a somewhat random occurrence, as sometimes the load is balanced between two cores, but more often then not its back to one core peaking.  

  • That behavior is normal for Logic.  The only thing you could do is freeze some tracks that aren't being worked on.  The peaks you are experiencing are from all the VE Pro instances.  I discovered that I had a lot of success but setting the VEP server for 1-CORE per instance.  Not only did the VEP CPU usage drop the peaks did too.  I'm not totally out of the woods as it still will occasionally hiccup but it made it far more doable and I'm running at 128k buffer.


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    @C_Caouette said:

    That behavior is normal for Logic.  The only thing you could do is freeze some tracks that aren't being worked on.  The peaks you are experiencing are from all the VE Pro instances.  I discovered that I had a lot of success but setting the VEP server for 1-CORE per instance.  Not only did the VEP CPU usage drop the peaks did too.  I'm not totally out of the woods as it still will occasionally hiccup but it made it far more doable and I'm running at 128k buffer.


    Thank you very much for your reply Chris!! I'm going to try this 1-core per instance switch now!! THANKS!!