I have just installed VSL Special Edition and Special Edition Plus on my PC (Windows 7 -64 bit, 4G RAM, M-Audio Delta with new driver for Win7-64.) No Sound. When I open Vienna Ensemble to load instruments, I get an error message" Cannot start audio (ASIO Driver open Failure!).
When I open VIenna Instruments Stand Alone 64, I get the same error message.
It is certain that my M-Audio Delta Sound Card is working properly under Win7-64. When I play a score in Sibelius 6.2 with Garritan Personal Orchestra selected as my output dedvice, the GPO instruments play back correctly. However, when I select Vienna Ensemble in Sibelius 6.2 as my output device, I get no sound. I have loaded the soundsets for VSL SE and SE+ in to the correct folder (/sounds). I have also selected my instruments manually. Still no sound for VSL, either in Sibelius or playing the keyboard in VE.