Just want to keep this thread alive... I've been doing some maintenance this week to incorporate my new slave Macs, so everything's been clean-installed and brought up to date with the latest versions of everything.
I'm still experiencing this latency comp. issue when the VE Pro buffers are set to 1 or 2. Not sure what else I can try at this point, because everything's in its factory-fresh state. Again, this occurs regardless of hosted instrument (tried Kontakt, Omnisphere, Zebra, Vienna Instruments, Stylus RMX) and on both locally and externally-hosted VE Pro instances. Also tried both 32 and 64-bit servers. Same results no matter what.
For those of you who are NOT experiencing this on 10.6.3/Logic 9.1.1/VE Pro 4.0.6150, I'd be curious as to your Logic pref settings. Specifically:
Process Buffer Range (mine = Medium)
Plug-in Latency Compensation (mine = All)