@Elektroakoustika said:
DG, yes I've used xFade before and that helps, but only a little bit. I'd still like to have complete control over those transitions so I can tweak them towards the sound I find more realistic.
I have the same perception as you. I feel that some of the legato transitions are too loud. I've come up with a number of workarounds to make the legatos sound more realistic.
I always use xFade for legato instruments.
Play the target note not louder the starting note.
Increase the REL to 63
Decrease the ATK to 45
If I carefully remove the legato transitions that are most annoying by using the techniques below but leave the subtle ones alone, I am satisfied with the results.
For legato transitions that I don't want to sound I use one of the following techniques to remove it.
1.) I leave a minute gap in the midi where the transition is so that the legato transition is not triggered. If the gap is just right, the transition will still sound smooth enough to be legato but without the transition sound.
2.) I switch to a different non-legato Patch like sustained or long portato. I find that if I perform with a legato finger technique, the transition will sound legato but without the the loud legato transition sound.
3.) I'll change the phrasing so that the louder legato transitions are replaced with non legato phrasing. So A legato line will be broken up with staccato, portato etc segments..
Let me know if this makes any sense to you. I admit it's a bit more work doing micro editing of the midi and finding substitute sounds.
Best of luck