Hi. As a very early adopter of VE Pro, I quickly ran into problems with Kontakt (3.5). With Kontakt hosted in the server
on the same machine, I got lots of audio droputs. Eventually I gave up and have enjoyed using VE Pro with other AUs. With the latest build,
and Kontakt 4.1, I thought I'd give it another try. The problem persists. Since I know there are happy Kontakt users out there with similar
setups, I'd be grateful for any thoughts as to what I should try tweaking, in Kontakt or elsewhere. It seems clearly to be a Kontakt and VE Pro
issue here. Other apps in VE Pro do not behave this way. And when all the audio from VE Pro craps out...Logic plugs running in my
sequencer continue playing happily.
Logic 9.0.2, 10.6.2, Mac Pro 2.8 8 core, 16 gig Ram.
I'm running several instances of Kontakt in the 64 bit server, each loaded with a bank of, eg, strings. Works great...except when there is no
Thanks for any help.
ps it's not a drive issue. I can run the same orchestration from the same drives running Kontakt inside Logic.