Just a reminder to fellow VE Pro users to ALWAYS save your work as .viframes (projects), even if your host saves the VE Pro slave settings at the host (if working with decouple off).
I have been making this a habit -- with the expectation that ProTools will forget all VE Pro settings at some point, and yes, sure enough, after migrating to 6150, only on the Winxp32 slave, when opening ProTools sessions that were supposed to connect to the winXP32 slave, nada. BUT -- NO WORRIES! Since I made the practice of ALWAYS saving the project (viframe), it is as simple as reconnecting to the saved viframe.
Going back to march of this year, when I was first using VE Pro, and not sure about data management and workflow, many told me not to worry about saving projects outside the host, but as an old guy, I know that at some point, if you don't save your projects as viframes, you will get bit.
PLEASE, save your work within VE Pro and don't assume your host will always be perfect and will restore your work automagically. It may be a bug or not -- but not worth crying over. Treat VE Pro slaves the way you would treat any slave machine pre-VEPro -- save your work!!!