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  • +1 most definitely

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    @Karel said:

    We're looking into the technical feasability of this. Stay tuned.

    Glued to the channel 😊

  • +1 Just realized this was a limitation after installing just now. :( How are other people getting around this? Edit: MIDI Patchbay perhaps?

  • +1

  • +1

    13 or 14 instances of VE Pro to connect to my slave, just because Apple can't give us the more-than-16-channel ability.

    Let's have a MAS version please!

  • Me too.

  • +1

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    @Karel said:

    We're looking into the technical feasability of this. Stay tuned.

    Any news, hope or teasers?

  • bump,

    Any news on this VSL?

  • Hi everybody,

    as Karel said, we´re listening [:)]

    And as you know by experience: We´re fast [;)]

    The main focus is now on getting rid of these minor bugs with the new Vienna Instruments PRO right now, so we thank you for your patience in advance. We haven´t forgotten your request.

    Thanks for your patience,


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Understand that you guys are CRAZY busy.

    Just wondering if there were any tidbits of news or movement on this since last month?


  • Just adding my +1 to the request for MAS support to allow mutiple MIDI banks access to VE Pro inside DP.

    Thanks for the phenomenal software!

  • +1,000,000.

  • I've had good results using IPMidi with VEP. Add one VEP instance use up it's 16 midi channels up and then use the IPMidi channels which have a limit of 20 (x16) midi channels. You need to first add the Ipmidi channels in a standalone instance of VEP in the "options" tab. Cheers, Bolla

  • yeah, midi over lan works for that too, but you miss out some key features. The main one being the plugin delay compensation which is HUGE.

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    First of all I join the band asking politely for a MAS version of VE PRO!!! An then...

    @magnumpraw said:

    yeah, midi over lan works for that too, but you miss out some key features. The main one being the plugin delay compensation which is HUGE.

    I know that I'm going a little OT, but It'll be fast. Since I'm a fresh owner of VE PRO, yesterday I run some tests regarding latency. And I discovered that in DP 7.2.1 with Auto Delay Compensation on, when I changed the internal buffer size (64-128-256-512-1024)or the plugin buffer (1-2-none) I got different latencies. I thought that ADC had to handle with latency but I discovered that it didn't, and the higher the buffer size was set the bigger the latency I was getting and even the jitter somehow tended to increase. Is there anybody who run similar test and what are their results. TIA Cheers Arceo

  • Were you testing with prerecorded MIDI or live triggering? With live triggering there is no way to get around extra latency gained by setting the plugin buffer higher.

    ADR may not be exactly precise (I've never tested it against itself at different buffer settings), but I've done some tests comparing VEPro MIDI and external MIDI (MIDIOverLAN) on my own and the VEPro MIDI way better than using some form of external MIDI if you are say, setting the VEPro plugin buffer to 0 while playing live and then back to 2 for playback to ease resource use.