@Karel said:
We're looking into the technical feasability of this. Stay tuned.
Glued to the channel 😊
@Karel said:
We're looking into the technical feasability of this. Stay tuned.
Any news, hope or teasers?
Hi everybody,
as Karel said, we´re listening [:)]
And as you know by experience: We´re fast [;)]
The main focus is now on getting rid of these minor bugs with the new Vienna Instruments PRO right now, so we thank you for your patience in advance. We haven´t forgotten your request.
Thanks for your patience,
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Understand that you guys are CRAZY busy.
Just wondering if there were any tidbits of news or movement on this since last month?
Just adding my +1 to the request for MAS support to allow mutiple MIDI banks access to VE Pro inside DP.
Thanks for the phenomenal software!
I've had good results using IPMidi with VEP. www.nerds.de Add one VEP instance use up it's 16 midi channels up and then use the IPMidi channels which have a limit of 20 (x16) midi channels. You need to first add the Ipmidi channels in a standalone instance of VEP in the "options" tab. Cheers, Bolla
yeah, midi over lan works for that too, but you miss out some key features. The main one being the plugin delay compensation which is HUGE.