Cannot find the reason for this .... please Help !
Thank You so much.
Vienna Ensemble Pro: Metaframe loads without Instruments & Samples
Thank You for You request !!! I use a Mac G5 (4x2,5Ghz); 10 GB Ram; OSX 10.5.8; VE-Pro (4.0.5436); Logic Pro 9 VE-Pro works. It´s possible to load Instrument & Samples into several Server-Instances. But !!!! If I save a Vi-frame or a Meta-frame and load it again, there are no Instruments or Samples loaded.
No. It´s the first time I use VE-Pro and I have no other Version than 4.0.5436. I odered a Demo-Licence first, and bought a regular Licence last week. I thought first, it was a constriction, not be able to save Vi-frames and Metaframes in the Demo-Version. But I have the Problem also in the regular Version of VE-Pro: Instruments & Samples, saved in a Vi-frame or Meta-Frame are not loaded.