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  • Pops and clicks after bouncing in Logic Pro 9.1.1

    Hi I have some problems with pops and clicks after I have bounced my project to an mp3-file. The pops and clicks disappear after I change the I/O Buffer size in Logic (ex. from 1024 to 512). But after I bounce the project again and play the projectfile in Logic, I got the pops and clicks again. This is frustrating. How can I solve this problem? Regards

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    Welcome apollon69 [:)],

    I assume that you are working with the latest VSL Software, right?

    Which OS are your working with? Which soundcard are you using?

    Thanks for the answers in advance!



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Hi, Paul Yes I am working with the latest VSL Software - v4.0.5740 My OS is Snow Leopard v. 10.6.4 Logic Pro 9.1.1 and Cubase 5.0.1 built 147 (built on mars 25 2009) My soundcard is Apogee duet - firewire I tried out Cubase also, and I get the same pops and click after export the project. It is no pops and click in the exported file, but they came when I play the project in Cubase and Logic. I have tried to increas and decreas the latency in Logic and VSL but this only help the first time. After a new bouncing or export of the project I got the pops and click again. Regard

  • Hello Ketil,

    sorry for the late reply.

    In the meantime, the latest version is the public beta 4.0.5814 and the official update will follow very soon.

    This sounds like the CPU cannot really take your workload? Does it change if you kick out some instruments? Are you often playing multiple notes?

    I see that you have registered 1 VI Collection, the Vienna Choir.

    Which other virtual instruments are you using in VE PRO?



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Hi. Paul That’s ok. I had to ask about the support. Ok. When does this be public in your website? Everything is perfect when I work with the project and bounce it. But after the bouncing it seems that there is some problem with the CPU. To solve this I only open the audio tab in preferences and only uncheck the “Universal Track Mode” (without to apply the settings) and check it again (and then apply the settings) (I real I haven’t changes anything). After the “applying” everything work fine again. I have to do this every time I bounce a project. I work with Logic Pro, but the same happens in Cubase 5 also. It happens when I kick out some instruments also. My project have only 4 tracks. Every one with one AU of VSL Vienna Choir like Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. I am not often playing multiple notes. I this project I don’t have anyone. I have only VSL Vienna Choir and Kontakt 4. The errormessage I got is: System Overload The audio engine was not able to process all required data in tme (-10011) Regards Ketil

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    Hello Ketil,

    VE PRO 4.0.6150 is online aready in your User Area.

    Did you follow the advice on page 8 of the VE PRO manual?

    => "Attention LOGIC users: To guarantee optimum performance of Vienna Ensemble PRO it is essential to set the Process Buffer Size under “Preferences/Audio/Devices/Core Audio” to MEDIUM. Find an illustrating Screenshot on page 28 of this manual!"



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Dear Paul Thanx for the help. No it works fine. I didn't use the VE PRO in the beginning. May be this was the problem?! But some more questions. Which midi-controls does affect the Vienna Choir. I know I can setup contrlols in VLS Choir and have done that. But I wounder VLS Choir can be effected of another controls like: 5: Portament 64: Sustain 65: Portamento 66: Sostenuto 67: Soft Pedal 68: Legato 69: Hold2 70: Sound Var 71: Resonance 72: Release Time 73: Attack time 74: Brightness 75: Decay time 84: Portamento Ctl I have tried 68: Legato and 69: Hold2 and it seems its affect the sound. Regards Ketil

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    Hello Ketil,

    I´m sure it makes sense to check out our Video Tutorials to find out more about the different possibilities to control a matrix and preset.

    Generally, automation can be assigned to any slider by right-clicking.The Vienna Instruments give ouy a lot of options there, and the matrix is the centerpiece.



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • A quick workaround for anyone having similar issues with clicking- try bouncing realtime instead of offline.  Works for me.