Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Sale / Freebees

    Will the purchase of VI Big Woodwinds I Full entitle me to any discounts or freebees in the current sale offer? Thanks

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    Hi Composer321,

    the current Special Offer can be found here.

    You can get discounts if you purchase more than 1 Extended Library (and you are living in the Americas), but there is no discount for "just" 1 Woodwinds Collection - if you´re interested in the new Woodwings Bundle (3 VI Collections), this will of course give you a discount of 20% on the Extended Libraries.

    Please feel free to contact if you have any questions regarding your price!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • One thing that is not clear to me, since the Extended Library multiple-purchase discount is only offered through Ilio and other US dealers such as, is whether this summer special only applied to those buying full-priced Extended licenses, or also applies to those who have existing discounts due to other purchases.

    In other words, can Ilio and others apply those discounts at their end before computing the total discount for multiple Extended licenses, or is this deal only applicable to those who do not have outstanding discounts (for instance, due to having Special Edition, some individual Download Instruments, etc.)?

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    Hi mhschmieder,

    ILIO and all Authorized Dealers in North America can apply the discounts of the current special offer to already discounted Extended Libraries (where a customer already gets an upgrade discount due to having Special Edition or Single Instrument Downloads). 😊

    A list of all Authorized Dealers can be found here.

    Best wishes,
