@Animus said:
I am not keyswitching at all and it happens when I click on a note in the gui's keyboard. I press a note and when it's release another note is triggered.
Hi Animus
I suspect that you can listen to the release sample (when you release the keyboard).
This "fault" happens when you play an articulation (which is combined with a release sample) for a longer time then it is recorded.
After releasing the key on the keyboard you trigger the release sample with some of the articulation.
Switch off "PLAY RELEASE" (Vienna Instrument) and try again. If the "fault" doesn't appear anymore you've got the point.
Solution: Do not play Samples with Release Samples longer than they are recorded - or switch off "PLAY RELEASE".
All the best
More Tricks and Hints you can find here http://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/index.html.