What is the best way to load a template with both 63 and 32 servers. I used to just click on a metaframe which would load my whole template but now I need 64 as well and once I have opened one metaframe Ve pro doesnt allow me to open another one by clicking on a new metaframe (there also doesnt seem to be a way of saving the whole project 64 and 32 as one big metaframe , unless I am mistaken) . So my work around is to open a 64 and 32 bit server and then go to file load metaframe for each server and load the respective metaframes. Is there a way of doing this with one click in the old fashioned way, like say loading a bidule template.
2/ I work in logic with ve pro uncoupled because it causes me headaches when logic quits and also it means I just have my template always loaded in the background as a standalone which ever project I am working on. ( rather like you would with bidule) . Can anyone explain why this isnt the best way to work. Uncoupled saves instantly, you don't have to remember to couple before saving and samples don't unload by mistake if you forget, if you need new instruments you can just increase your template in Ve pro on new midi chanels so old logic projects will still function as normal. Again I might be missing something and am new to VE pro and maybe set in my simple ways.
Any advice appreciated.