My dongle with most of my VSL licenses, finally broke into two pieces.
Ah, but you had physical possession of the dongle, so my expectation would be total replacement of the licenses, for a damaged license holder. And it appears that VSL honored that, as one would expect.
Just today, I discovered that a very crucial (to me) disk maintenance utility CD was defective, and the media could not be used. The company replaced the media for free, even though it is more than 3 years old. They asked for the defective CD to be returned. HOWEVER, would I have expected the company to provide a new copy if I had "lost" the CD? (the software will only work from CD/DVD) That's the issue here...
A damaged dongle MUST be replaced, and all licenses restored without any hesitation by the licensor. Any other result would be immoral. But do I expect a software publisher to give me new licenses for lost or stolen? Can't expect that. I think it STINKS that our world sees little value in protecting the value of IP creators.
Many (most) of us using music software products are music and IP creators. We more than anyone should understand why our tools need to be protected from non-owners, and we (the music creators) should be the most vocal in supporting and protecting the tool makers. Unfortunately, historically, we (music creators) have been the biggest thieves of IP, and the tool makers do anything and everything possible to try to protect themselves.
I own at least $50,000 worth of software. As a small business, competing with the next guy, how would I like it if the "next guy" has the same tools, but stole them? If the tools are well protected, I can at least try to compete... knowing that my competitor had to buy his tools as well.
I am on record stating the eLicensor is a POS technology (especially on the mac) -- and I am on the record liking the iLok. No, make that LOVING the iLok. But this thread is not about copy protection -- it is about WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY BUY when you buy a VSL DVD package (or any software)? I think they are very clear that you are buying a license to use the tools, and the license is installed on the eLicensor dongle. Do they really need to state in writing that if the dongle is lost, the licenses are lost as well? Sounds like fun for lawyers...
I am SORRY for your loss. Really. It's a disgusting feeling to have something lost or stolen. I know. Been there -- but in this case I don't think we can expect much more than a discount from VSL for new licenses. Don't lose your dongle.